Biomedical Sciences Research Building (BSRB)
Admin Quick Guide
- To create/edit Users: As admin, you can create an unlimited number of new users under the “People” tab in the top panel. Click-> “People” -> “Users”-> “Add new”. Under “Account Code 1”, select project code 1 for setup.
- To create/edit Instruments & Rules: As admin you can add instruments/resources (from under the “Core Setup” tab on the top panel) and set various booking rules as well.
- To create/edit schedules: Create schedules for any user by using either the online calendar display (Calendar Tab), or by using the options under the “Schedules” tab on the top panel
- To create/edit cyclic unavailability or maintenance time: Admins can add/edit/delete recurring periods of maintenance/unavailability for a specific resource by going to the “Weekly availability” option under the “Core Setup” in the top panel.
Reserve BSRB 383 Conference Room
For people with disability, vulnerable individuals, and those working after 5 pm or on weekends, you may reserve the conference rooms for eating in isolation (people who quarantine together may use the same conference room). Please limit the reservations to 20 minutes per meal and clean your meal area after you are done.
Email your request to one of the front desk staff listed below.